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Health and Well BEing

The purpose of health and well being is to help every child and young person to feel cared for and valued as an individual. Learning about health and well being will help them cope with uncertainties in life, have confidence to try new and different things and make the most of opportunities that come along.


Health and wellbeing teaches your child about:

  • mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing

  • planning for choices and changes

  • physical education, activity and sport

  • food and health

  • substance misuse and relationships

  • sexual health and relationships.

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Learning through health and well being enables children and young people to: 


  • make informed decisions in order to improve their mental, emotional, social and physical well being

  • experience challenge and enjoyment

  • experience positive aspects of healthy living and activity for themselves

  • apply their mental, emotional, social and physical skills to pursue a healthy lifestyle

  • make a successful move to the next stage of education or work

  • establish a pattern of health and well being which will be sustained into adult life, and which will help to promote the health and well being of the next generation of Scottish children.

Pupils receive the government target of two hours of physical activity for every pupil each week. PE lessons are weekly. P5-7 pupils undertake Young Leader Training with our Active Schools Coordinator, this enables them to organise and lead playground games and fun activity sessions. P6/7 pupils also follow a structured programme of Drugs and Sex Education, usually led by the school nurse, as a transition session with peers from other ASG schools. We try to make the most of where we live and enjoy wild swimming sessions in the Loch and skiing at Nevis Range. We also take part in many Inter school events including the annual Tag Rugby Tournament, cross country, Athletics and Swimming, Triathlon, shinty tournaments and our ASG Sports Day.  We walk regularly and love the outdoors.

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